Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What's the Big Deal About HTML5?

The significance of HTML5

If you take a look at HTML5 without the "5" all you have is HTML. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the core language that is responsible for how information is generated and consumed through services like Google, Facebook, and all the other high profile sites millions of people utilize on a daily basis. The very foundation of the background code systems responsible for displaying information through the web is receiving an upgrade (and has been for a couple years now). 

This is where the 5 comes in

Coming from the 4th iteration of the language and going into the 5th, some might ask why is number 5 so magical? With this new standard new features exciting features come into play that required the use of plugins and applets before. Do you remember those times when you go to log into either a school computer, or just any public computer due to some unforeseen yet fatal event and you come across "You need flashplayer installed" in order to view the content you requested? Well with the implementation of this new 5th revision here situations like that will decrease drastically given that functions and features such as handling video media will be built in right out of the box.These include (but are certainly not limited to) hardware acceleration (for high quality games and videos), access to device specific features (given so many different devices connect to the web now), and offline functionality. This brings me to next point.

These features change the way EVERYONE uses the web

There are two kinds of people who handle software, developers an consumers (developers nowadays probably develop AND consume). Consumers use the software for what it is they see any use for it at the time, whether it be to post a status, read a status, watch a video, play a game, read an article, or just simply  fulfill their boredom. Whatever use they find for the software they sure will attempt and use it for that very purpose. Developers on the other hand PROVIDE the software to the consumers (while probably being consumers themselves be it for development or entertainment or whatever).  If you are a provider there, is one other thing you must do besides simply obtaining whatever it is you are providing. Whether you are creating it yourself or getting it from somewhere else, you must get the service or product to whoever it is you find has the most use for what it is you dedicated your time to obtain.

No other software in the world is used more than the World Wide Web with HTML being the primary means by which information is generated and consumed. It is what connects the whole globe and took every populated continent as well as orbital devices to build.

The most important part of what the inclusion of some of these new features is that it changes the WAY developers can get their software to the end consumer. The developers write the code for said game or service with "share with the world" innately in the code's base functions. When there are less barriers between that of the provider and consumer, costs (mostly developmental) to simply get your software to reach more people will decrease dramatically.

A lot also has to do with convenience on the consumer's end. Instead of the having to install certain plugins or take other steps to achieve the same experience they are used to enjoying when they access the web, they get on with the functionality right into the browser itself be it on a computer or cell phone.

This advancement shifts both ends of the equation at the largest scale

But even given all all that is said here, HTML5 still hasn't completely took root yet. This is for various reasons but mostly for browsers yet complying to the new standard (for reasons of their own I'm sure). This leads to particular obstacles that must be handled correctly by developers in order to take advantage of the potential massive reach HTML5 brings being able to run on both mobile devices and personal computers. As with everything, there is always an adoption curve with different phases of the adoption period being more useful for different people at different times with adoption already happening at an alarming rate.

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